Midland MPO - Essential Responsibilities


Designated Planning Agency

Every urbanized area with a population greater than 50,000 must have a designated Metropolitan Planning Organization to qualify for federal highway or transit assistance. MATS is the MPO for the Midland Urbanized area. MATS’ mission is to establish and maintain a fair and impartial setting for effective regional decision making in the metropolitan area.


Planning and Programming

Comprehensive planning through MATS considers all modes of transportation, including roads, bridges, transit, non-motorized transportation, aviation and freight. We do this through our annual Work Program, and various reports that are developed and updated systematically. MATS short and long range planning processes help achieve outcomes that move toward the area-wide vision.

MATS Committee members are appointed by the jurisdictions they represent in order to facilitate regional transportation policies and programs in a comprehensive, cooperative and continuing manner. This is accomplished through consistent representation at meetings and other MATS events, but also involves interaction with stakeholders as seen in the graphic.

MPOs work to ensure that expenditures on transportation projects and programs are based on local priorities and mutually agreed upon goals. This involves analyzing existing conditions, gathering public input, developing and evaluating improvement strategies, and then financially planning for these improvements.


Directing Federal Funding

As defined by federal transportation regulations, MPOs review and approve how and where available federal dollars for transportation improvements will be spent. MATS receives a dedicated allocation of over $1M in federal funds annually for transportation projects. In addition, all other federal funding for transportation projects proceed through the MPO process.


Administering the MPO

MATS staff performs various duties related to the financial and physical administration of the MPO, as well as outreach to member agencies. These efforts include reports such as the Annual Obligation Report, Final Acceptance Report, as well as quarterly progress reports.


Public Outreach

MATS strives to ensure that public input plays a considerable role in the transportation planning process. This goal is predominantly met by providing opportunities for stakeholders and the public to contribute input during the development of programs and reports. For further information on these strategies, click on the button below.

Performance-based Planning

Performance management is a strategic approach that uses performance data to inform decision-making and outcomes. When implemented effectively, performance management can improve project and program delivery, inform investment decisions, focus staff on leadership priorities, and provide greater transparency and accountability. MATS uses these principles when evaluating projects for inclusion in the 4-year TIP and Long Range Plan.